
5 Anonymous Cryptocurrency
The anonymity of payments is often cited as one of the main advantages of Bitcoin. However, it has little to do with reality. Bitcoin provides a certain level of pseudo-anonymity because addresses are anonymous. All transfers between them are public. This makes it possible to discover their holders and their entire financial history. This solution has its pros and cons. Regulatory authorities have a major problem with anonymous payments due to their uses for illicit purposes, as well as the

IOTA — 4th Industrial Revolution Behind the Doors?
IOTA is clearly one of the most ambitious projects of today’s crypto-world. The beginnings of IOTA date back to 2015 when ICO was launched and the project collected 1,330 Bitcoins. It had made over half a million dollars by that point. A part of the selected funds (5%) was subsequently recovered from the original investors as IAFYYyy coins, as financial aid to the founder for the initial development and thus the IOTA Foundation. IOTA Foundation Over time, more and more

Blockchain as the next step in the digitalization
Many people in the cryptocurrency space believe that blockchain technology is a completely new and revolutionary protocol that will change our society. Let‘s zoom out and take a look at how our society has changed thanks to the internet over the last 30 years. Information and knowledge are available to everyone In the past, when you wanted to research a certain topic, you would first look into your encyclopedia at home. If the information provided there wasn‘t sufficient, you would
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